Ils ont fait appel aux compétences de l'agence :
. Member of the cooperative of eco-designers "Hêtres"
. Major Hazards Architect
ENSA Paris Belleville, 2022
. Architect - HMONP
& Major Risks Prevention
. Architect DE
ENSA Paris Malaquais, 2015
. Member of the cooperative of eco-designers "Hêtres"
. Member of the cooperative of eco-designers "Hêtres"
. Member of the cooperative of artisans and eco-construction "Les Chantiers de Demain"
. Founding member and President of the association "Major Risks Architects (ARM)
Pour plus d'informations sur les actions de sensibilisation et de mise en réseau de l'association des ARM que j'ai co-fondée en 2016 avec des confrères et consœurs architectes spécialisés, veuillez consulter le site internet au lien ci-dessous:
"Nepal, after the earthquake" exhibition ENSA-PB, Paris, France
"Nepal, after the earthquake" exhibition ENSA-PB, Paris, France
General Assembly of the ARM association
"Nepal, after the earthquake" exhibition ENSA-PB, Paris, France
. Adhérente de l'association Maisons Paysannes de France 14